padan la muka! lebih setahun tak exercise...memangla sakit jadinye...takpe..sakit2 pon kena buat jugak dan hasilnye memang memuaskan..this is one of my favourite exercise...senang nak buat dan tak perlukan tak payah pergi gym..buat di rumah saja...sambil2 tu layan afif tgk cartoon.
Kat sini saya nak share info pasal exercise yang saya buat k..saya bukan la pakar so pinjam info2 yang dapat dari website2 yang lebih bertauliah.
yang gambar bawah ni ialah squat.

to define and strengthen your thighs and butt.
The main muscles targeted by the squat are the:
- quadriceps,
- calves,
- hamstrings,
- glutes,
- hip flexors, and the
- lower back
Start by doing 10 reps. Or you could work to time in circuits (i.e. 30 seconds exercise, 20 seconds rest).
- Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, toes facing straight ahead.
- Keep your back neutral (not overly arched or slouched), and head facing forward throughout.
- Bend your knees and go down into the squat by using your glutes to stick your butt backwards (like you're about to sit down).
- Keep going until your knees are almost at 90 degrees. Keep your knees pointed in the same direction as your feet, but don't let them bend beyond your toes.
- Focus on your thighs and butt as you come back up.
- Go into the next rep without locking your knees. Complete your reps and sets with slow, steady movements.
- Keep breathing steadily, get into a rhythm.
- Keep your core muscles braced throughout, this will stabilise your squat.
- Keep your heels down throughout, and stay evenly balanced on your feet.
source here
So pada yang tak mampu ke gym atau takde masa macam saya ni...elokla praktikkan exercise ni di rumah...try la! tak lama pon..macam saya ni saya akan ambil masa less than 1 hour dan buat 3 kali setiap minggu untuk exercise...
saya akan share lagi info pasal exercise lain yang boleh di buat di rumah pada next entry ok!
Happy weekend!
nasib baik i hari2 dah exercise naik turun tangga, kejar tren sambil dukung baby SN hohoho
bila lah ku nak eksesais nih.. hihi..
good tips n sesuai bagi am yg jenis malas nk buat outdoor excercise n xsempat pg gym... dah lama sangat x excercise :( thanks for sharing..
tk suke senaman cemni..huhuhu hati saye tk tabah...3 x squat terus tknk nanti..huhuhuh adehhh betull laa lame tk senam..konon2 pas raye...hahhahah
jiey exercise 3 hari seminggu..
lari2 bwk ian gi spital..
from one apmnt to another..
fuh execrcise less than hour pun dah bunyi cam lame tuk i...bab2 exercise kt umah ni i rae i 10min jer...pastu dah boring...hihi
psst, jom lar join contest kt blog i
best nyer.. nak exercise jugak lah.. nak kuatkan badan yg lembik nie ;)
sehari 30 minit pun da cukup kita kuar peluh. then, buat fizikal fitness.... utk kanak2, 60 minit.
hua hua hua... aida tiap pagi round kompleks court melaka tu dari kul 9-11 pagi, naik turun tangga. parking laks jauh. tiap mlm skipping 30 kali. wajib! sauna selang sehari 20 minit. lebih dari tu tak larat ler farah!!! pengsan nanti...
weekend, baru ler kuar jogging @ kejar anak-anak kat padang. hi hi...
nice sharing cara farah nanti utk part 2, 3 and seterusnyer. tambah ilmu kesihatan... go farah go!
yatie:haha exercise jugak tu!
lady:keh keh keh..nak mula yang payah tu
am:sama la pon sempat buat kat umah je..nak jogging kat taman belakang umah ni pon tak sempat
iefa:hehe mmg kena tabah sebab sakit otot2 buat senaman ni
jiey:hati2 yer lari2 tu..takut jatuh
munirah:aaaaa! memang nak join!!
ena:hehe badan kite sama la..kurus tp lembik sana sini :D
aida:hahaha i buat sambil tgk tv tak pasan mase..mmg takdela sampai 1 jam..
waah siap sauna!
just nk tahu if we do the wrong exercise or do the wrong technique of exercise is it will affect our body shape?
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