Friday, January 29, 2010

Fitness tips from Mr Daddy:Exercise for pregnant lady!

Ok sori sori...lambat plak kuar entri tanpa membuang masa lagi.Soalan minggu ini datangnye dari Yan a.k.a UmmiAbbiqis yang mane soalannya specific untuk wanita mengandung yang mahu sentiasa kelihatan anggun!

"klu peknen tp still berkeinginan nak kuruskan lengan dan peha bole ke???

pasal sebelum peknen dah BESAR... so bile peknen jadi lg BESAR PUNYEEEE!! baju peknen pun sendat kat bahagian atas ni ha especially tang lenganla."

Dan di bawah plak jawapan dari Mr Daddy..

Dear Yan,

For pregnant woman moderate one will do just fine, do 30 minutes of exercise and you can always stop at 10th minutes and continue later. Ok for weight control you can always swap all your white to brown for carbs and eat less sugary food and oily one. Still you must eat like you always do and never skip a meal just to lose weight, it’s not worth the hassle. Eat normal ya not more.

Ok one big fact that people always overlook is that you can’t control fat burning on specific area. You can draw the water out but not burn the fat. Our energy system doesn’t work that way. Bottom line it’s goes down to lots of hardwork on exercise and diet.


1. Brisk walking, swimming etc.

2. weight training:-

a. Sitting shoulder press( use small mineral water botlle)

b. Push away(Stand infront of the wall, legs shoulder width, arms slightly over shoulder width, palm on the wall and push yourself againts it. Just like push up but standing on the wall.)

c. Lying abductor

d. Lying adductor

3. Remember to stop when you feel dizzy and don’t let yourself dehydrated.

4. Most important part is be healthy, be happy and enjoy every second during your pregnancy.

Thank you.


Muhamad Asri

Ok kepada sesiapa yang tak tahu ape itu briskwalking atau ape sahaja exercise yang husband saya sebutkan..anda boleh search melalui google yer..there's a lot of video /picture that you can view as reference..sebab kalau saya nak sharekan video kat sini takut berat sangat lak blog saya ni k..saya harap anda memahami..thanks!


Dayah @ Real Ummu said...

thank you En Asri..sblm ni peknen tak penah senam pon !

Watie Aziz said...

wah..bagus hubby hang jd consultant ...:)

aku nih syukur sgt walaupun preggy, badan maintain tak naik walaupun ramai yg ramalkan aku akan gemokkkkk... hahaa...semua sumpahan tak menjadi nampaknya ..ahaks ...

isabelle said...

tunggu pregnant balik, baru i cari balik entry nih.hehehe

Yan said...

yan mencari2 entri ni jumaat lepas, xde.. mungkin yan jengah awal pg sangat hehehe..
thanx yer korang

adianiez AIDA said...

bagus nyer info ni.

Farah said...

dayah:sesama..saya pon sama ekekeke

watie:aah watie ko meintan slim la pregnant kali ni

isabelle:hehe boleh2.

yan:ahaa lambat sikit yan sory yer.

aida:harap2 dapat membantu :D

~LIZA~ said...

i memang cari info bout exercise during pregnancy ni.. thank u! :)

Awards ~~thank you!