yeayy!! it's friday already dan tentunye seperti yang di daddy akan menjawab soalan pertama dari yatiechomel..
"i nak tips exercise memontokkan puggung *serius neh*"
tinggi = 165cm
berat 45kg
info = langsung takde mesin senaman di rumah melainkan exercise tiap2 hari berlari naik turun tangga train stesen + dukung baby SN + jalan kaki 1km dari stesen ke rumah
Dear yatiechomel,
1. Food and I meant lots of good food.
2. Rest, your body must have enough rest, sleep and most important try to avoid being under too much of stress.
3. And of course sufficient weight training to boost growth.
1. Complex Carb such as whole meal bread, brown rice, pasta or sweet potatoes will be a great choice. However white bread and white rice is good for your case during breakfast and immediately after workout. For protein, chicken and fish is the best however if you are a meat lover try to get leaner cut such as tenderloin.. Make sure you take your multivitamin as well ya.
Training- for this case ' memontokkan puggung ' :-
1. Training is easy peasy, if you don’t have any equipment at home the you can always workout just using your bodyweight. It’s the intensity that count. First you need to understand there is Gluteus medial and Gluteus maximus both are the buttock and don’t forget that you will be needing a strong lower back to lift your butt up and look more sexy.
2. It’s best to keep to basic exercise which is easy and less hassle.
a. Squat(Whole buttock)
Squat Exercise Tips -- powered by
b. Lunges(Hit more on Gluteus medial)
Lunge Exercise Tips -- powered by
c. Leg kickback.(buttock and lower back)
you may review the video here for reference.
d. Lying back extension.(lower back)
3. Eat 1 and half hour before workout
4. Now the Program:-
a. Squat 20 times
b. Rest 30 seconds
c. Static lunges 15 each legs
d. Rest 1 minute and continue again for 3 sets
e. Sumo Squat 20 times
f. Alternate lunges 15 times for each legs
g. Rest 2 minutes and do for 3 sets
h. Floor leg kickback 20 times for each legs. Do it for 3 sets.
i. Lying back extension(alternate). 15 each side 3 sets
5. Eat immediately after workout ya. Fast absorb carbs: white bread or white rice.
6. If its hard for you to finish the work out with the timing I provide then its good for you to follow your own pace first but make sure you do it all.
7. p/s: good execution of exercise is important and during the exercise don’t rush it and do it slowly.
ok yatie...saya harap anda berpuas hati dengan jawapan yang di berikan.nantikan entry minggu depan untuk kuruskan lengan dan peha!
kuruskan lengan n peha!! especially peha.. yupp.. saya sgt perlu itu.. nak nak!
thanks farah..! i rasa tips yg sgt bagus n mantap.. baik betul u & hubby.. betul kata u, kalau gi fitness centre, consultation ni semua kena byr kan..
nasib baik daku mengandung....ahahaha... klau tak mau hairan laki mak tgk mak eksesais ni..
memang puas hati..hehe..thank you so much for the tips. nti i nk ajak hubby exercise sekali, baru lah jd pasangan sehati sejiwa se-duapunggung semontok eheh
pssssttt: lg best klu tips ni di letak video u & ur hubby tunjuk cara2 senaman tu *demand pulak nyah* ekekekeke
tapi kan farah,
kebiasaan cm diri aku ni..klu penat,sure ilang selera makan.
klu ikt tips tu, kena makan sebaik je abis workout.huhu...mau muntah balik aku nanti.
#Muhammad Faris Taqwim dalam
siap ade video clip tuh.. blk umah nk test jugak la..
wah2 kak yatie...smpai kesini cari tips..bgus ar ade kawan2 blogger ni...saye tumpang sekaki bace tips..
farah:haah biasanye tips ni termasuk la bila u pay for the personal trainer..die akan aturkan segala menu dan exercise.
As:ekekeke lepas mengandung kan boleh buat.
yatie:awwww! kang aku ngan laki aku buat video kang..orang lain takleh carik makan lak hahahaha (gurau je)..kalau tak sure macam mane nak buat workout tu leh refer pada video yanga ade..atau u boleh goggle sendiri..i nak letak byk2 dlm ni berat lak page ni kang.
lin:kalau macam tu rehat la dulu..mandi dulu..dalam 1 jam lepas workout makan la..sebab saya pon buat macam tu jugak.
eina:hehe sila la pon dah kena tukar skang...kalau tak lambat dapat result..gud lak k!
wah besh nyer.. nak cuba jgk lah.. hehehe.. thanks mr daddy :)
farah,lupe lak nk tanye..
what if we have back problem eh?
sbb skang nih kalau berdiri lama or squad lama pun mmg dh terasa sakitnye...even nk bongkok "rukuk" time pun rasa tegang...
still leh work out x?
kak farah super duper..tumbs up!!!!!!
waaahhh...i pun teruja..this could be good use to me too...nak salin gak ni..nak punggung montok gak..yatie sorang jer mana boleh!!! mua-ha-ha-ha..!!!
wahhhh!!! best2.. next tips pon nak jugak!!!
memang boleh diguna pakai nih..
thanks farah and hubby.. :D
kenapa susah sgt nk view video nie ek? ade tak link lain yg senang i bukak
ena:hehe try la
kak eina:boleh, tgk jauh mana boleh turun mase squat. Kalu boleh separuh buat separuh dulu. Pape pun cek ngan doc ape maslah. Kalu tulang kena jupa physician kalu muscle pull byk kan streching and warmup sebelum buat exercise, warm up palinmg kurang 15 mnit. Star jump ke pape jela.. - mr daddy
iefa:hahaha akak tak super laa
hanz:hahaha jom sama2 memontokkan montot
sya:sesama :D
nafira:hehe next tips kena tungggguu
ciklily:try search vidoe lain gune keyword squat atau lunges.
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