As promised!Here are some *from hundreds shot* of the pictures from afif's 2nd birthday party taken by our photographers..

khemah pon ikut tema hitam dan merah

love this pics!mind you..bukan senang nak amik gamba budak k.

pakcik2 n makcik afif semua ni..hahaha saya antara sepupu2 mereka yang paling tua :P bukan my sister hahahaha die adalah penjaga afif hari tu sbb mama sibok layan tetamu.
nyanyi lagi happy birthday pon masam..apelaa afif ni.

yana for coming!zaarif memang pandai bercamwhore ye hehe.

nak merempit la tu.

haih budak lelaki memang obses dengan kereta.

comelll sangat akmal ni!
yaya and family..thanks for coming!rumah mil ko ngan mak aku dekat saja rupenye.

ada sesiapa nak tempah catering untuk birthday party sila inform saya yer..i will recommend a good caterer for you.

afif suke sangat tak pandang kamera tau.

manja with daddy

sibok nak potong kek sendiri

credits to our photographers!they did a good job that day.
azza and famili je takde sbb depa datang lambat sikit..event sampai malam but we hire photographer for 2 hours only.
hiks aku tgk lam FB dulu tadi br tgk lam blog ko ni!!! meriah!!
hepi besday afif.. uish..lambatnya auntie ni wish..
hmm tema hitam merah.. nice!
pipi afif dh chubby laa..
sgt meriah n grand gitew Farah..
gud job babe!!
n happy belated birthday to Afif ;)
i love the pic of afif...
gmbr2 afif tu..senyuman dia cukup comel. lg 1 i suka gmbr dia feel jilat pisau kek tu.hahaha
Gambar Afif jilat pisau kek tu mmg feeling habis!!!
Ada gaks terselit gambar aku n hero ku... suka suka!
sgt meriah nyer ...
surely best yek on that day...
gambar yayafamily memang hover, beriya-iaya aku anak beranak peeeceeeeee. korang rileks kahkahkah hover ok...
oh, i like the photos. Suka la tgk photographer ye work ni!
oh, i like the photos. Suka la tgk photographer ye work ni!
oh, i like the photos. Suka la tgk photographer ye work ni!
wah meriahnye bday afif! sorry tau farah kitorng tak dapat dtg huhu.. afif nampak mcm dah big boy, comel;)
happy belated birthday afif!!
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