Hai!!!Sila vote mama saya yer....die teringin sgt nak menang hadiah dlm contest ni hihi..button vote di sebelah kiri ni je ha...jgn malu2 tekan yer auntie2...uncle2 sekalian....
Terang2 saya katakan yang entri kali ni adalah untuk memasuki contect MySuperKids & Chantek2.....dan entri ni agak panjang...sudikan2 la membaca dan meng'vote' saye hehe...
Selalunya...tak kire kemana2...dua bende tambahan yg plg penting ade dalam handbag saya selepas ade anak ni ialah pampers dan nursing poncho.....memandangkan saya fully breastfeed afif di mana2 sahaja even semasa tgh beli barang dapur di Giant....nursing poncho mmg tak pernah tinggal walaupon afif tiada di sisi....
Saya sukakan nursing poncho saya (cap first year) sbb ia boleh meng 'cover' badan saya depan dan belakang semasa menyusukan afif...oh lupa nak habaq...saya ni suka pakai baju yg agak singkat hahaha...tp takdela sampai nampak perut....saya suka pakaian yg ringkas2 seperti baby-T....tentunyaa bila menyusukan afif..baju bahagian belakang akan sedikit terangkat kan...jd nursing poncho saya sgt membantu utk menutup bahagian tersebut...

Tapi anda perasan tak??
biasa kita lihat di kedai2 kebanyakan nursing wear yang dijual datang dgn colour plain dan membosankan...beige,black,white or pink.....kenape yer?? Adakah mereka ingat nursing mother tidak mahu bergaya?? ...tgk sajalah nursing poncho saya...kaler pon hitam...saya sukakan material kain nya..senang di jaga dan afif pon tak serabut semasa berada di dalamya...tapi kalernyaa sungguh la tidak menyeronokkan.....tak bercorak plak tu...hitam plain je mcm tu..
saya sangat teringin nak nursing poncho seperti ini..saya jumpa di sini.

...tgk warnanyaa....memberansangkan dan still nampak stylish kan walaupon plain...tp kat mane saya nak carik kat Malaysia ni??sedikit info yg saya copy paste dari http://www.mothersenvogue.com.
MEV’s eco-friendly poncho doubles-up for nursing as well as for maternity! Made of bamboo, in a slub knit fabrication, this soft and slinky poncho has a subtle sheen that is as appropriate for day use as it is for an evening dinner or party.
- One size only; features button closure on one edge which makes it easily adjustable to fit different shoulder widths.
- Wear it in a multitude of ways: over one shoulder as a toga-styled tunic or as a wrap. Unbutton entire edge and use it as a throw-on stole or even as a baby-wrap! Click on left photo for more alternate images.
- A lightweight yet slinky fabrication, this poncho makes for a great throw-on in summery or transitional weather.
- The summery grassy lime-green shade injects a splash of colour to a neutral wardrobe. Not too luminous nor muted, this nicely balanced lime hue is great on olive skin tones. Pair it with white capris for a striking ensemble.
- More about bamboo fabric:
- Breathable and Quick-Dry - bamboo fiber is filled with micro-gaps and micro-holes, delivering superior moisture absorption and ventilation.
- Anti-Bacterial and Hypo-Allergenic - bamboo owns a unique anti-bacteria and bacteriostasis bio-agent named "Bamboo Kun", thereby providing all-natural anti-bacterial and deodorizing functions.
- Eco-Friendly - bamboo thrives naturally without any use of pesticides. A fast growing renewable resource, the cultivation and use of bamboo also does not require deforestation.
begitu juga dgn nursing bra....hei pada saya walaupon pakaian dalam..kenala bergaya jugak kan....saya pernah la nampak kaler purple dan pink tp still nampak tak menarik tanpa corak...takde ke yg bercorak2 seperti ini...saya jumpe di http://www.milkface.com....made in canada...

saya juga sudah bosan dgn nursing bra yg saya miliki...sesungguhnya tidak sesuai utk seduce encik suami hahaha..potong stim btul!
Okla kesimpulannya saya berharap sgt saya dpt jumpe nursing poncho dan nursing bra idaman saya tu di Malaysia...kalau kawan2 tau ade dijual di mane2..habaq mai kat saya ye....serious buyer ni.....oh yaa...akhir kata jgn lupa vote saya ahaks!.....button vote ade di sebelah kiri anda...klik yes sekiranye anda juga mempunyai impian ingin memiliki stylish nursing wear seperti saya...
farah..i got nursing wear oso..
tkde la plain..ada corak segala gitu. Brand 1st year jugak..beli kt sogo,murah jer dlm RM49.90 or RM59.90 ..sowwi..dah tk pasti sangat
Pastu pasal bra tu, try cari yg avon punya khas untuk nursing mom..
oh ye ke??meh aa share dlm blog..saya nak tgk camne nursing poncho tu...
erk ade ye bra avon utk nursing mother..ok ok kena carik kawan saya yg jd dealer avon hahaha
haah slalu nursing wear cam bosan je kan??? i pun nk cr gak!!
farah..baru teringat,
try masuk sini
Semoga dapat membantu
gudluck.. semoga berjaya masuk peraduan neh..hehehe
me too suka pakai baju yg senang selak terus.. leceh ahh nak pakai yg berbutang butang depan.
One more, i hate nursing bra. tah hape-hape. kalo bleh takmo pakai bra langsung.. tp nanti lanyutt la pulak kan@!~
Elyn:itulaa balik2 kaler ituu jugak..
Liya:hehe tenkiu..sudah jenguk2..tp takde yg kenan la anyway tima kasih bebanyak sbb membantu..
azza:haha moga2 ada ong mcm ko selalu menang contest hahaha..
Jiji:hahahaha haah kang tak pakai kang lanyutt plak...
nak jugak.. nnt kalu dh jumpa bgtau ek.. hehe :)
salam perkenalan..
agree, nursing wear byk yg membosankan..plain kaler je...
so masuk contest ni leh berangan2 skit nak macamna
Avon ada MAmaBra tapi tak sure utk nursing ke tak..sbb taknampak ada buckle ke 2layer ke apa ke utk bukak? saya ingat MAmaBra tu utk maternity sbb besaq...
kalau ada Avon Nursing bra, review la ye..
goodluck for the contest
wahhh...ade style la....good2...
orait akan ku vote mama Afif sampai menang.. yeay
mah:hehe gaya mutu ke unggulan..eh mcm kenal je moto ni..
yati:tima kasih.. tima kasih..:D
Cuba tengok kat sini http://www.fabulousmom.com/catalog/product_info.php?cPath=21_72&products_id=753
ada poncho jugak, cuma material lain lah & nampak mcm pendek sikit.
Fabulous Mom pun byk nursing bra & nursing wear..i dah lama dah mula beli dari sini, b4 ngandungkan armand lagi tapi lupa nak link kat blog :P..i baru2 ni beli yg panjang sikit, lengan panjang pun..selak je takpayah angkat2. Tapi kalau zuleyka tarik2 baju i ada chan ternampak gak bra haa haa..!
haha biasalah tgh lasak..afif pon dah pandau selak2 skang...anyway thanks for the info..nak pi jenguk fabulousmom nnt :D
da click pastu watpe ek??hikss
tima kasih mummyaeesh!!! hehe takyah buat ape dah :P
sape yg minat nursing cover cam farah cakapkn ni..
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