Semalam saya mengambil cuti untuk membawa afif ke paed.....saya kluar dr rumah dalam pukul 12 tghhari..tak sangka plak semua klinik kanak2 hanya di buka pada jam 8.30am-12.30 pm dan 6.30-9.30pm....sampai je kat klinik kanak2 toh taman tun ni.. tutup la plak...pastu cuba la pusing2 lagi carik klinik kanak2 yang lain..pon same..tutup! pukul 6.30 ptg baru bukak balik...pastu carik plak kat uptown damansara...same jugak! haihh nampaknye kena pegi belah petang jugakla ni..
sementara nak tunggu petang tu..sempat jugakla saya buat beberapa perkara:
1.pegi klinik mintak MC hahahaha ...sayang cuti..baik mintak MC tp saya mintak ubat sakit pale dapat ubat gastrik..sbb saya ade mengadu perut cepat kembung kalau makan lambat ...dr cek2 die kate saya ade gastrik...erk!ni bukan btul punye gastrik..
2.nak pegi ambik injection depocon kat PPUM....saya boleh terlepas tarikh injection..lewat 5 hari...nurse cakap takleh amik injection kalau terlepas lebih 1 hari...die cakap kena tunggu cycle datang balik pastu baru boleh amik injection...erk! alamak cemane ni! dahla period dah lama tak dtg...nurse siap nasihat lagi..awak pakai kon*** jela ek...awak ade tak kon***....ceh soalan apekah itu??
3. pergi Midvalley...tujuan nak carik baju kurung ...apekah??? carik baju kurung di Midvalley adalah idea husband saya dan sememangnye tak jumpe la kan...tapi end up beli refill compact powder MAC yang dah habis..haih refill pon mahal!!nasib baik sekali beli tahan 5 bln..
Pukul 7pm terpacak dah kat klinik kanak2 toh tu...saya explain kat paed to ape jadi kat afif sampai biru2...n then mintak die check takut afif ade lelah ke ape ke...paed ckp everything ok..jantung dan paru2 sihat..perut semua ok..die check telinga afif pon ok..takde nanah...then paed tanye..mase die nangis tu die dalam keadaan marah ke..saya jawab ya..afif marah sbb saya tak layan die (saya masak pastu nak mandi plak) dr assume afif memberontak sbb terlalu marah tak dilayan dan mengalami ape yang dipanggil "Breath holding attack"...
Breath holding attack ni terjadi bila baby/toddler tu terlalu marah dan die sengaja tahan nafas die...paed to ckp afif had a very bad temper ! huhu ko ikut perangai sape ni nak oi...
saya tanye everytime afif nangis saya kena layan die ke??
paed jawab...jangan!biarkan je die for 1 or 2 minutes nangis...tgkkan aje...kalau di layan terus takut die naik kepala....paed cakap normal kalau budak tu nangis sampai biru2 end up nanti die akan bernafas sendiri balik and it is not dangerous...ha begitula jawapan ikhlas dari paed...
ok ni ade sedikit info yang saya dapat dr en google:
When a child has a breath holding attack, it can look dramatic and be very frightening for parents.
These attacks usually happen in the context of a temper tantrum or after a minor accident like a fall. A child cries then simply holds their breath. They can then become floppy and lose consciousness for a moment or two.
While this may look alarming, there is no evidence that breath holding attacks cause any harm.
What happens during a breath holding attack?
These attacks can happen when a young child is having a temper tantrum, is feeling very upset, or has just had an accident like a bump or fall. They can also happen after a fright. Usually a child will cry, exhale (breathe out) as part of a cry, hold their breath and then pass out.
You will see your child’s face turning from red (if your child has been crying) to pale or perhaps slightly blue, especially around the mouth. This is known as a cyanotic breath holding attack.
As soon as a child has passed out, and is unconscious, they will naturally begin to breathe again and will regain consciousness. It’s common for children to seem subdued and quiet afterwards as they recover.
Breath holding attacks do vary in severity and frequency. Every child is different. It may happen just once, or fairly often.
What is the cause?
The precise cause is not fully understood. We do know that cyanotic breath holding attacks are quite common in young children, and that they are not dangerous. In the vast majority of cases, there will not be any underlying condition and a child will not have epilepsy. Sometimes there is a family history of similar episodes.
What’s the best approach?
Once your GP has diagnosed breath holding attacks, you will probably be on the look-out for it.
If it does happen again, the best approach is to try to stay as calm as you can. The main thing is to wait for your child to come round again. Don’t panic – bear in mind that your child will automatically start breathing again very soon of their own accord.
It’s better to leave your child alone unless they are clearly in danger. For instance, if your child has fainted in the middle or a road or right at the top of the stairs you will clearly need to move them.
If your child has breath holding attacks regularly, you will probably begin to recognise a pattern which will give you an idea of when it might happen. This may give you a chance to ensure your child is in a safe place, and that there aren‘t any sharp objects in the immediate vicinity that your child could fall on.
Is there any treatment?
No treatment is necessary. Make sure your child gets plenty of rest. If it happens during a temper tantrum, it would be worth thinking about why the tantrum is happening in the first place – e.g. is your child hungry, bored, tired or frustrated by a particular toy or activity? You could then take steps that may help divert your child from having a tantrum.
Make sure though that you don’t treat your child differently to other siblings, or in any special way. Try not to leap for your child every time they begin to cry.
When should you be concerned?
It’s best to consult your GP straight away if your child becomes very pale and loses consciousness without any provoking factors such as a tantrum or fall.
It’s best to contact your doctor if your child is having very frequent breath holding attacks, such as several per week, or if they begin happening more than once a day. This may be within what is considered ’normal limits’ for breath holding attacks, but it would be best for your child to have some further investigations.
See your GP if your child has any additional symptoms along with a breath holding attack: prolonged stiffening or shaking, which is associated with a slow recovery; needing to sleep for several hours afterwards or remaining confused for longer than several minutes after an attack.
haah.. betty pon cenggitu.. tp dia kalo marah, slalu smackdown kuda dia jek.. hahha!!
biasalah tu babe.. budak².. sabar jek laa.. ngaa~~
wahh kecik² dah pandai buat perangai..mmg naluri lelaki btoi nakkan layan istimewa dari mama dia :))
oo...auta ye si afif ni?
noti ye?
tapi farah, kena monitor gak sekali sekala...takut dia panas ke.
adam aritu jap je panas, tau2 kena fits. hah...kelam kabut mak!!
mak baru je post entry ttg tantrums si adam.
ntah hapa kena ntah smlm dia buat hal.
nasib baik anak ko ok..lega dengar...:) ingt ko pi mane semlam hilang.. hehe
fuhhh.. cayalah afif.. marah smpi tahan nafas!!
Jgn la camtu sayang.. Siyan mama kamu.. Takut separuh mati dah dia tu..
oh thank you for the info
baru tahu ada breath holding atack ni
kalau Ziyyad buat peel macam tu
jangan layan sangat
and jangan panik
good info!
ahaha! afif bikin mama kaget je ek. amboi da de tantrum ye ni..dia mamanye full attention hihi, manja!
afif...afif..mcm2..glad to hear he is ok..good ifo bout the breath holding attack..first time aku dengar..tambah pengetahuan aku yg masih cetek ni:)
hmm, macam tu ke...
thanks for the info.
darwisy tak pernah buat lagi, tapi kalau dia buat, tahu lah nanti nak buat camne.. hehehe
FREE GOOD INFO!!!@!~ Boleh aku hi-lite kat Nursery neh!!!@!~
haa..haaa...bad tempered yer Afif??kamu ikut sapa ni?hahahha
kelas ko cr baju kurung kat midvalley..hahahha..bukan patut g jln TAR ke??ke aku slh??aku org johor x tau soping moping kat KL nun
Oh! breath holding attack namanya
thanks for sharing
sebelum tak pernah tahu plak
p/s: afif ikut perangai uncle shahrul kot jadi bad temper tu. hehehe :p (nak perhatian lebih je)
menggelabah ko ye farah bile afif jadi tantrum, hehehhe kalo aku pun gelabah sebenarnya.... anyway goog info bebeh regarding breath holding attack
Thank you for the infos Farah. Me pun baru tau pasal yang best ber-blogging ni, banyak belajar dari member blog.
Psst..Farah..nak amik inject ker? Boleh affect hormon for BF moms like you, takut supply EBM depleted..actually all contraceptive methods does affect BF moms coz hormone-related, yang tak affect yang cara En Hubby tu jer...just my 2 cents
three of us:huishh betty..tak sian ke kat kuda tu..
yana:isk isk itulaa..dah besor esok jgnla buat perangai pelik2..
isabelle:haah..anything happen mmg i akan check temperature dulu..yela budak2 ni tak reti ckp..yang reti nangis je..
azza:ko rindu aku azza?
jiey:mmg terkejut separuh mati dah pon..hahaha
dila:btul2..yg penting jgn panik!
mel:haa itulaa i rase die nak full attention laa..kalau tak layan tu yg marah sgt tu..
liza:sharing is caring :D
sya:isk harap2 darwisy tak buat la camtu..takut!
jiji:yezzaa!!aah bgtau org2 nurseri kan mane tau ade jd kes camni..
cikpid:hahaha btui2..sebenarnye laki aku nak tgk kasut2 kat midvalley tu ade sale ke tak..mmg patutnye nak carik baju kurung ke jalan tar la..
shahrul:uikss uncle shahrul bukan penyabar dan beriman ke orgnye?
yaya:menggelabah tahap ape dah..nasib baik tak pengsan sama :P
Hanz:i dah amik injection for more than 5 months..susu ok je..takde effect rasenye kat susu ade 1 pil perancang (i tak ingat nama die ape) ha yg tu mmg ade effect.
owh saya br tau ade kes ni..... hmm next time saya pun nk kene tgk wafiq gak la.....
amboi..baran nya budak kecik ni..
cerdik betul org tak layan nak tahan nafas kan
owh camtu rupenyer..baiklah len kali takmo lyn kalo baby SN nanges..nak biarkan je hehehe
huh...1st time dengor words ni...kih2...kecik2 dah temper yer...afif2....yelar nak dilayan...dimanja gitu..
ku rase aufa da de tantrum gitu.nak dilayan je..sbb ummi dia suke lyn die..or mybe sbb dia th ummi die ade je dgn le manje nak buat ni? bole x nnt nak tny paed camtu?
hi... farah...
sori la, baru nak singgah.. p-na bz sgt.. nnti p-na add awak coz pe tah kes tenet nie x leh nak add bloglist.. nnti sy cuba lg ye..
hope afif ok.. ye la kita msti la risau psl bby nie cam2 bole jadi.. bole lak doc ckp camtu.. sengal tol doc tuh..
~p-na mama oja~
oh my..sib baik takde pape..alhamdulillah
elyn:saya pon baru tahu..
cuppycakemommy:aah marah sgtla tu..
US:boleh2..jumpe paed nnt tanye je mcm2..bayo mahal plak tu hahaha
pna:aha takpe2..saya paham :D
ohhooo... mintak manja ek.. :)
mummy adam:haihh manja macam ni ..nampaknye lambatla dpt adik..
penyabar dan beriman?
memandai je akak ni
(kembang kuncup hidong ni)
1 jak cara kalau anak xkuar suara bila nangis,mulut dia kan terbuka luas ms nangis, so tiup@hembus ke mulut dia cm buat cpr tu..xlm pastu dia akn bnafas blk..sbb anak pernah kena juga sampai bibir jd biru pucat.
1 jak cara kalau anak xkuar suara bila nangis,mulut dia kan terbuka luas ms nangis, so tiup@hembus ke mulut dia cm buat cpr tu..xlm pastu dia akn bnafas blk..sbb anak pernah kena juga sampai bibir jd biru pucat.
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