Arghhh nasib baik sempat!!!
ok ok bertenang farah..this contest cannot be miss sebab hadiah2nye sangat la bes ..contest ni sempena entry ke 100 blog SOHO MAMA..atau lebih selesa saya panggil kak Millie.

The prizes are..
1) I love simple but pleasant blog layouts..and I love my new layout! So, I'm "sharing the love" and giving away a FREE Blog Makeover by Jiji as the first prize. Worth RM100 and includes;- 1 Header
- 1 Template- 1 Blog Badge
- 2 Blog Pins 125x125
- 2 months ad in Triple Colour Life (worth RM50..this is courtesy of Jiji herself!)
2) I still have not fully explored my 37th birthday present from The Hubby, a Canon EOS1000D but I admire those, especially mommies (and daddies) who can really capture awesome moments with their cameras. So, the second prize is aphotoshoot package worth RM50 by Deep Blue Lense. Package details:
- 1 to 2 hours- 100 to 150 shots (+ 50 edited pictures, in CD)
- photoshoot location around Putrajaya or Shah Alam
- 1 Template- 1 Blog Badge
- 2 Blog Pins 125x125
- 2 months ad in Triple Colour Life (worth RM50..this is courtesy of Jiji herself!)
2) I still have not fully explored my 37th birthday present from The Hubby, a Canon EOS1000D but I admire those, especially mommies (and daddies) who can really capture awesome moments with their cameras. So, the second prize is aphotoshoot package worth RM50 by Deep Blue Lense. Package details:
- 1 to 2 hours- 100 to 150 shots (+ 50 edited pictures, in CD)
- photoshoot location around Putrajaya or Shah Alam
ha menarik kan!
ok ok syarat2 pon mudah je..
1) A Malaysian residing in Malaysia (kalau menang photo shoot tapi tinggal kat Australia ke, susah pulak kan he hee)
2) My adik-beradik and ipar-duai tidak dibenarkan menyertai contest ini :P3) Have own blog (remember..the other prize is a blog makeover..?)
4) Follower of A SOHO Mama's Diary (so click on FOLLOW now!)5) Fan of AZ Gift Baskets Facebook page (easy - just click on Become A Fan on that page) OR Follower of AZ Gift Baskets on Twitter (lagi senang ni - click je Follow)*either or lah ni, sebab ada yang takde akaun Twitter*
7) One entry per person, please :)
ok.. saya dah comply semua syarat2 di atas.
2) My adik-beradik and ipar-duai tidak dibenarkan menyertai contest ini :P3) Have own blog (remember..the other prize is a blog makeover..?)
4) Follower of A SOHO Mama's Diary (so click on FOLLOW now!)5) Fan of AZ Gift Baskets Facebook page (easy - just click on Become A Fan on that page) OR Follower of AZ Gift Baskets on Twitter (lagi senang ni - click je Follow)*either or lah ni, sebab ada yang takde akaun Twitter*
7) One entry per person, please :)
ok.. saya dah comply semua syarat2 di atas.
1) Copy and paste this contest badge on to your blog, along with a short entry on why do you read this blog of mine . Short entry only :)

3) Lastly please leave a comment here to
say that you've done your I can jot down that YOU are in the running for this :)
I stumbled to Kak Millie's blog thru Hanz's blog hehe...sekali baca je entry dari blog Kak Millie,terus saya jatuh hati dan minta izin tuan punye blog untuk add link..
ape yang menariknye?
1. Kagum dengan Kak Millie membesarkan 4 orang anak and at the same time she can manage to handle her business (bukan bisnes kecik2 tau sampai dah masuk magazine and tv) all alone!
2. kagum dengan skill kak Millie menghias gift basket..sangat cantik! saya
ni dari dulu memang berangan nak jadi penggubah bunga jugak tapi tangan ni gubah memang hancur la bunga tu hahahA
3. Oh ya saya paling suka entry kak Millie yang martha stewart
menarik kan..tak sangka lak ade orang yang sangat particular sanggup label semua bende dalam rumah..sampai bakul spentot anak pon die label!haa sumpah kagum!
yela bila anak dah ramai..lagi2 lelaki kan (sebab saya pon ramai adik lelaki)..memang spentot diorg die selamba je di campak2..pastu kang kes bertukar2 pon biasa jugak hahaha..
anyway kak Millie thanks for sharing..akan saya jadikan panduan kelak!skang ni dah start label barang2 memasak je kak dapur.
From paling suka category Fresh Blooms.Hehe nama pon suka bunga kan..kalau la saya ni kaya atau duit sepah2 kan..mesti hari2 letak bunga hidup as perhiasan atas meja hahaha
fuhh lega! siap jugak entry contest saya..harap2 bertuah la dapat tukar blog header lagi atau free photoshoot ke.
heheh..sempat jugak...good luck ya! Hadiah best tu! :>
Woohooo memang sempat! Last contestant nih! Wah, teruja tengok u tulis I ni "bisnes besar"..! Manageable lah :)
Ermm pemenang diumumkan later2 yaa..sebab bisnes owner/designer/pekerja ni kena keluar jap :)
hanz:tula i nampak komen kak millie pagi td pastu teringat eh i ade hutang nak buat entry contest ni hahaha
kak millie:fuh nasib baik..taip entry kol 10 td..lupe btul saya..hopefully ade rezeki :D
Fuhh hadiah leh tahan menarik tuh..
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