Thursday, May 19, 2011

On natural detox

Maybe reader blog ramai yang tahu saya pernah mengambil injection depo provera for more than 1 year untuk pencegahan kehamilan... saya dah pon berhenti ambik injection sejak Nov 2010 tapi kesan pengambilan masih lagi ada dalam badan saya..and that is what? more than 6 months already!

Tula kesan yang saya rasa agaknye menyesal jugak sebab ambik kaedah period jadi tunggang langgang..muka berjerawat (but luckily kat bahagian dagu je, dahi dan pipi masih licin tau hehe)..mood agak swing lately..and another reason my body gain weight a lot also because i stop taking this injection..i know some people mase ambik injection berat badan die naik..but me, naik lepas stop..terbalik.

Since I would like to conceive for a 2nd child InsyaAllah this year (plan to have a baby in dragon year hehe)...I'm doing a lot of research (thanks to mr google) on how to remove/detox my body quickly from those excessive medication that already been in my body for more than a year..

Here are some tips that can help to detox your body naturally:

1. Clean up your diet. nama pon proses detox-pembersihan jadi kenala makan makanan yang bersih tanpa di proses dengan bahan2 pengawet.

List of food that needs to avoid:

Sugar especially artificial,Dairy product,wheat,Gluten,Caffein,Alcohol,Chocolate and high fat foods.

List of allowd foods:

All fresh fruits and vege,rice especially brown rice,nuts and seeds,Extra virgin olive oil,herbal tea.

2. Exercise! saya dah start 4 weeks ago..and still continue..ptg ni lali (bak kate afif) lagi atas threadmill.

3. Drink plenty of waters...kat opis atleast 1 liter saya teguk ( saya gune bekas air herbalife )

4. Eat a lot of fresh fruits and vege.

Currently i'm having mens for more than 15 days....which saya assume darah sakit la kan (so leh semayang)..dah minta advise from doctor and die cakap it is normal because my body tengah adjust untuk return ke normal stage..masih dalam proses jadi terpaksa la bersabar yer..based on my research pon kadang2 nak kembali ke stage normal tu leh amik masa lebih 6 to 18 months (setahun setengah tu beb!)..So harap2nye berjayala proses detox saya ni untuk percepatkan badan kembali ke stage normal so that saya boleh conceive kembali.

Doa2kan saya murah rezeki yer.


Mag said...

farah amik herbalife minum teh dia jugak kan? bagus jugak tu untuk detox

Farah said...

mrs spicy: amik! haah tula sebab saya beli gak herbalife walaupon mahaiii


hmm..baru tau lama jugak yea nk back to stage normal...xtau

Liz said...

tahun depan, tahun dragon eh? tak tau pulak. sama2 la kita cuba dpt anak tahun dragon

salina said...

saya doakan awak murah rezeki...moga Allah kabulkan usaha dan doa anda :)

Min Aina Ila Aina said...

Kalau pil perancang, nak kena detox jugak ke ye bila nak berenti.

Anonymous said...

farah, i amik implanon dulu. after a year baru i conceive. tapi masa tu tak terfikir plak nak detox2 ni. tapi mmg betul, it took a while for teh body to go back to its normal cycle balik.

tapi kan, pasal weight gain tu, bukan sebab u stop BF ke? I dulu masa BF, weight under control, once i stop je, mmg mencanak2 naik weight.

Hanz Jamaludin said...

nak join autie hanz ker future baby aka adik afif as dragon baby? eheheh..nanti garang tau..ekekeke..nxt year is both me & hub's year. *wink*

Farah said...

joy:aah tulaa makan mase jugak.



min: base on my research 1 malam..still kena buat utk cycle kembali normal takde la se lama injection.

Putri: i consult ngan doctor (not gynae)..die tanye i ade gain weight drastik tak lepas berhenti..which mmg ade ..naik 8kg dalam mase 3 bln..she said one the reason naik mendadak sbb berhenti cucuk. BF tu pon yer jugak.

Hanz: baby dragon ni garang tapi die still ade soft spot dan plg penting kuat pendirian.

SemuaTentangKita said...

aku stress ngan perut aku yg susah sgt nk turun ni..sedih pun ada :(

isabelle said...

dah terlepas yg rabbit, dragon pun xpe la..

Awards ~~thank you!