Hari ni dah masuk hari ke -23 berpantang..yeayy! half way more to go!berat saya? taknak share selagi belum betul2 selim hahaha..
Ok nak share sikit pasal akif yang masih lagi kuning sampai hari ni..paed dah sahkan jaundice akif jenis breastmilk jaundice so kami tak perlu risau.. beberapa blood test dan urine test pon dah dibuat dah hasilnya melegakan sebab jaundice jenis ni tak merbahaya..cuma jangkamasa untuk birilubin untuk hilang sepenuhnya boleh makan masa sehingga bayi berumur 2 next checkup tengah bulan ni paed akan check lagi sekali darah akif.
Afif dulu jenis jaundice biasa..reading bilirubin die tinggi sampai 300++ tapi sekejap je hilang..akif punya jaundice reading tak tinggi tapi slow sangat nak turun dan lama.
Share sikit pasal causes breastmilk jaundice:source here
Bilirubin is a yellow pigment that is created as the body gets rid of old red blood cells. The liver helps break down bilirubin so that it can be removed from the body in the stool.
If jaundice occurs or lasts past the first week of life in an otherwise healthy and thriving breast-fed infant, the condition may be called "breast milk jaundice." It is probably caused by factors in the breast milk that block certain proteins in the liver that break down bilirubin.
Breast milk jaundice tends to run in families. It occurs equally often in males and females and affects 0.5% to 2.4% of all newborns.
Day 5 dah kena warded 2 hari kat TMC.
Saya menyusukan akif every 2 hours without fail and readng dari 277 turun ke 193 hari ke 7
kami stay di guestroom tmc..dah macam hotel! rate pon macam hotel juge :(
afif with adik akif..setiap kali balik sekolah mesti cium adik dulu..pastu startla buat pangai ngade2..sayang ,sayang juga,,jeles tu jeles juga.
Baby kita pun kena breastmilk jaundice...smpi 2 bln brla ilang...hehe dh setaun pun skrg
TAHNIAH di atas kelahiran baby boy ke2 ye farah :)
aida baru masuk week 37. 3-4 weeks more hi hi...
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